DMM Phantom HMS Locksafe Carabiner
An extremely compact, lightweight and yet strong, true HMS shape carabiner that is ideally suited to belaying and rigging. Use of an extra-short gate means it can take two clove hitches with ease.
-Round, durable and generous rope bearing surface
Rope friendly (larger bend radius) and smooth belaying
-True HMS shape
Allows the use of an Italian Hitch
-Slim and tapering nose
Good for connecting to textiles
-Extra short gate
Allows more working space inside the carabiner
-Three gate options
Available with a screwgate, Locksafe or Kwiklock gate
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Product name: Phantom HMS Locksafe
Product code: A577 | A577MG
Color: Titanium/Green | Matte Grey *NEW COLOR*
Dimension: 71 x 96mm
Weight: 62g
MBS(Major axis): 25kN
MBS (Minor axis): 9kN
MBS(Gate open): 7kN
Gate opening: 19mm
Certification: EN362:2004 B, EN12275:2013 H